Is your ministry “more silos than skyscrapers”?

Me too. 

Rural youth ministry is an amazing adventure—a truly unique beast, different from serving in the inner city or the heart of suburbia. But even though our culture is becoming increasingly urban and suburban, rural youth ministry isn’t going away anytime soon. My heart is helping equip youth workers in a rural setting with the tools to impact students and families for the kingdom of Christ. Rural students are hurting, and rural youth workers need to be prepared to help these students through what they are facing. According to,

A rural 8th grade student is 105% more likely more likely to have taken amphetamines; 75% more likely to have consumed cocaine, and 38% more likely to have smoked marijuana than his/her urban peers.”

 I have found few resources that take on the challenges you face serving in small town settings. This book comes out of hurts and joys I have experienced in Rural Youth Ministry. I have served for 13 years in a rural context and have written this resource as a help to all who are “harvesting the fields”.

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